Saturday, December 5, 2009

Exception and exceptional

Exception means omission, exemption, immunity and exclusion oh..! many synonyms might have some more but these are the four that l know at a glimpse. Seriously a difficult task sometimes to know which one to relate at what time? For what purpose? And how?

Its like every rule has an exception, but death has no exception which being the exception to this rule proves the above mentioned rule to be true. This is just an instance; my point here is how important this word is ?

This word seems to be humiliating by being misused and sometimes even abused if not used properly. Omission sounds negative whereas exemption is pretty good to hear. Different people have different perceptions for the same.

On the other hand there is a word called exceptional, only two alphabets added and see the difference. Exceptional can be used for outstanding, excellent, brilliant, special, extra ordinary and incomparable. Its not exactly but can be said to be a pun as one word and many meanings.

Grammar is not as easy as it seems to be again for this word the same problem which one to use for what, where, etc... We often use these words when actually we don’t have any words to describe the things which impresses us or by which we are just overwhelmed.

I have a doubt whether we can use both the above words in the same sentence/statement. May be like “it is an exceptional thought to consider all the things by keeping this particular thing into exception”.

Honestly speaking it is thorny to use these words which we often don’t think as we have a common problem (excuse) of ‘no time’. How can I write all these things because I have time as I am free always, well that is also another important topic to discuss that when we are free and when not but will do later on, till then have a good day and be happy....