Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Just a minute

Came across a very interesting fact, Luis Huchins was a very hard working employee of a factory. There used to be a long distance between his residence and his workplace. But still he was able to manage somehow to reach factory on time by waking up at 4 am.

Luis was not having any problem for this, as in summer it was very simple for him to wake up early. But the real trouble was during winter as it is very difficult to come out of blanket in breezy cold and this would lead him to wake up late.

This would result him to reach late at factory. Moreover boss would also scold him. Ageing bought more difficulties to him and he often used to get late for the work.

Luis was having a wonderful habit of reading, where once he came to know that in certain countries people used to use mirror on which Sun rays would fall and get reflected on the eyes of the people sleeping which would led them to wake up early.

This idea was reliable upto certain extent as there is not fix time for Sun to rise especially during winter it would rise late and during monsoon it would hide behind the clouds. So this would again lead the same problem of being late.

This made him to get an innovative idea, as he thought why there cannot be solution where the watch would make sound at 4 am. He as was already a hard worker worked very hard on it and it was then one of the most important invention for todays hectic life took place, i.e. an alarm clock.

It concludes that when we work hard on the ideas we get to overcome our own limitations then the saying that “Necessity is the mother of all inventions” will held correct.

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